Join Peanut the squirrel and his brother Fred, a raccoon, on an epic adventure as they traverse through different dimensions to seek vengeance against evil forces threatening to destroy the universe. Resurrecting each other to fight against all odds, Peanut and Fred are accompanied by a cast of fearless allies as they journey through time and space.
Armed with their wisdom and a stash of nuts, the dynamic duo confronts the insanity of their enemies, showcasing a whole new level of crazy. Follow Peanut and Fred in this action-packed video as they demonstrate the true power of unity, bravery, and the mysterious world of dimensional universes. Prepare for an exhilarating ride that will keep you on the edge of your seat as the stakes get higher with each passing moment.
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Join Peanut the squirrel and his brother Fred, a raccoon, on an epic adventure as they traverse through different dimensions to seek vengeance against evil forces threatening to destroy the universe. Resurrecting each other to fight against all odds, Peanut and Fred are accompanied by a cast of fearless allies as they journey through time and space.
Armed with their wisdom and a stash of nuts, the dynamic duo confronts the insanity of their enemies, showcasing a whole new level of crazy. Follow Peanut and Fred in this action-packed video as they demonstrate the true power of unity, bravery, and the mysterious world of dimensional universes. Prepare for an exhilarating ride that will keep you on the edge of your seat as the stakes get higher with each passing moment.