Watch the grand celebration in Ayodhya as Shri Ram returns with Lakshman after defeating Ravan in a fierce battle. The city is adorned with lights and decorations, creating a mesmerizing scene for the upcoming Diwali festival. Witness the joy and excitement of the people as they gather to welcome their beloved prince back home. Experience the vibrant atmosphere and the spirit of unity as the entire city comes together to rejoice in the victory of good over evil.
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3D Animation
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Watch the grand celebration in Ayodhya as Shri Ram returns with Lakshman after defeating Ravan in a fierce battle. The city is adorned with lights and decorations, creating a mesmerizing scene for the upcoming Diwali festival. Witness the joy and excitement of the people as they gather to welcome their beloved prince back home. Experience the vibrant atmosphere and the spirit of unity as the entire city comes together to rejoice in the victory of good over evil.