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How to Create a Wizard Costume with Long Hooded Hat

4 views ยท Sep 5, 2024

Add long pointed white hooded hat on head and completely white long sleeved robe like white shirt and white pants

Transform your look with this striking and traditional ensemble. This video tutorial showcases how to add a long pointed white hooded hat to elevate your style with a touch of mystique. Pair it with a completely white long-sleeved robe, reminiscent of a classic wizard or medieval ensemble, for a look that exudes sophistication and elegance.







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3D Animation


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Transform your look with this striking and traditional ensemble. This video tutorial showcases how to add a long pointed white hooded hat to elevate your style with a touch of mystique. Pair it with a completely white long-sleeved robe, reminiscent of a classic wizard or medieval ensemble, for a look that exudes sophistication and elegance.