Watch the zany adventure of a modern-day Scrooge McDuck, resembling the eccentric Elon Musk, as he embarks on a wild journey to Mars in a cream-fueled rocket. This animated video is a hilarious mix of futuristic technology and classic storytelling, merging the iconic character of Scrooge McDuck with the visionary flair of Elon Musk. Follow along as the new-age Scrooge blasts off to the red planet with his unique blend of wealth and innovation, taking viewers on a whimsical ride through space and time.
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Watch the zany adventure of a modern-day Scrooge McDuck, resembling the eccentric Elon Musk, as he embarks on a wild journey to Mars in a cream-fueled rocket. This animated video is a hilarious mix of futuristic technology and classic storytelling, merging the iconic character of Scrooge McDuck with the visionary flair of Elon Musk. Follow along as the new-age Scrooge blasts off to the red planet with his unique blend of wealth and innovation, taking viewers on a whimsical ride through space and time.