Riddick, a skilled bandit and Furian race member, escapes from a supermax prison on a planet and takes off in a stolen starship. However, his journey takes a wild turn as he becomes trapped in a wormhole and crash-lands on Mars in the year 2165. Now, Riddick finds himself being pursued by undead zombie borgs, once known as Captain Picard, Lieutenant Data, and Lieutenant Worf. Bounty hunters are hot on his trail, with a clear mission to capture Riddick by any means necessary.
In a fight for survival, Riddick must face off against these relentless enemies and eliminate the evil forces that threaten his existence. With heart-pounding action sequences and intense combat scenes in stunning 4K high-definition realism, viewers are taken on a thrilling ride through this futuristic tale of survival and vengeance.
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Riddick, a skilled bandit and Furian race member, escapes from a supermax prison on a planet and takes off in a stolen starship. However, his journey takes a wild turn as he becomes trapped in a wormhole and crash-lands on Mars in the year 2165. Now, Riddick finds himself being pursued by undead zombie borgs, once known as Captain Picard, Lieutenant Data, and Lieutenant Worf. Bounty hunters are hot on his trail, with a clear mission to capture Riddick by any means necessary.
In a fight for survival, Riddick must face off against these relentless enemies and eliminate the evil forces that threaten his existence. With heart-pounding action sequences and intense combat scenes in stunning 4K high-definition realism, viewers are taken on a thrilling ride through this futuristic tale of survival and vengeance.